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Embroider a Stumpwork Spider

Are you a closet arachnophile or are you out in the open? Whether you are a solitary stitcher or you belong to a group of sewing sisters, you'll want to embroider a couple (at least) of these artful arachnids, which are not  just for Halloween! 
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What you are going to learn

Your embroidery becomes relief sculpture.

You'll learn a few new stitches and practice to perfection the ones you already know. By the end of this course, you will have two spiders, one large and one small, embroidered in the relief technique known as 'stumpwork.' You will be able to make them into brooches if you wish. Other places you might want to embroider your spiders: curtains, tablecloths, napkins, altar cloths, high-collared cloaks, pillowcases (nighty-night sweet spider-lover)  and, of course, your spiderman tights.
Join me in this video course where you will:

  • Learn or practice the chain stitch + lazy daisy, the back stitch, the stab stitch, the satin stitch, the open buttonhole stitch
  • Stitch over padding to create a raised effect in your work
  • Find out which threads are best for sturdiness, for shine and for attaching round seed beads.
  • Make your spiders into professional quality brooches, finishing the edges & adding a brooch pin
  • Use seed beads to elevate your brooches to the level of true jewelry

Laura Jacquemond

Textile Sculptor, Instructor
When I’ve got needle, thread and fabric in my hands, my heart beats slower, the surroundings become a blurry background as my fingers work stitch by stitch by stitch until my project is the center of the universe.
I try to get a little relaxing play time into each day with needle and thread, drawing beetles with my frixion pens or coloring in my 'Medicinal Plants' coloring book.

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